UW Theme Gutenberg Update: November 2024

The Gutenberg developers and designers have made steady progress on the new Gutenberg theme throughout the month of November.

Status Update

This project is currently in the Development Phase, which started on July 16, 2024. Here’s a taste of what we’ve completed recently:

  • Hero patterns – designs for displaying a full-width image on the page.
  • Post Listing block and patterns – allows users to create a list of news posts.
  • Group of Links block – allows users to add a group of related links that guide users to relevant content.
  • Settings UI feature – replaces the traditional WordPress Customizer settings page.
  • Header area (top menu, site title, and main navigation) and Footer.
  • Accessibility and design reviews:
    • Shout-out to the Center for User Experience for their accessibility audit of recently built elements.
    • Shout-out to the Office of Strategic Communication’s creative strategy team for their design review of recently built elements.

We have also started development on a faculty/staff custom post type plugin and are continuing to build patterns for cards, alternating content boxes, and a full homepage design.

Over the next month, we hope to finalize the faculty/staff build and start planning for February’s user testing.

Informational and feedback opportunities:

We’ve provided a couple informational and feedback opportunities in the campus WordPress Community of Practice group in Microsoft Teams: